The role of line managers and supervisors is key to ensuring safe systems of work are put into practice, as opposed to just existing on paper. And that is true of any industry, not just the electrical contracting industry in which Michael lost his life.
Yet, all too often Louise hears that line managers and supervisors are referred to as the layer of permafrost between leadership and the workforce, where the “safety 1st” message, gets diluted, dissipated or forgotten because of pressures around productivity, profitability, deadlines, or financial performance.
So how can we help you focus the minds of those with people management responsibilities, from Director level down?
Louise has created an immersive workshop based around a real-life health and safety trial – that of Michael’s employer.
Nearly 4 weeks of evidence was given and this forms the basis of the workshop.
Louise’s 13 years’ working as an employment lawyer in a top-ranked firm enables her to bring a unique mix of insights when delivering this workshop, both personal and professional.
The key aim of the workshop is to explore the role of supervisors and line managers in the effective management of health and safety, and to focus the minds of Directors on the role they must play in ensuring strong and active leadership from the top, and a visible, active commitment to ensuring the safety and health of the workforce.
This is based upon electrical safety at work but the lessons to be learned carry over across all industries.
When you say "immersive", what do you mean...?
We say “immersive” because attendees take on the “roles” of those who took part in the trial of Michael’s employer.
- 1 judge
- 2 witnesses
- 3 accused (plus the "invisible man"...)
- Up to 4 family members
- Up to 6 lawyers (yes, count them!)
- Up to 15 jury members
The workshop can be tailored for between 15 and 24 people.
Over the course of they day, the evidence given by the Mechanical Project Manager and the Electrical Supervisor will be analysed and dissected.
What did Michael’s employer get wrong? What did it get right? What lessons can you learn? And what role does your senior team play in ensuring nothing similar ever happens in your workplace?
The witnesses will give evidence and be cross-examined, all scripted, as it has been drawn from Louise’s notes of the actual trial.
As a leader, what answers would you get if you asked your line managers and supervisors these three questions:
What could you ask of your team that would better enable you to send them home safe and healthy at the end of every working day or night?
What could senior management do differently or better to help you do your job in keeping people safe and healthy?
What will you do differently or better to keep your people safe and healthy?
If you’re unsure what the answers would be, we can find out? Because these are the questions posed at the end of the workshop.

“Louise has carefully, intelligently and with immense thought and care crafted the account of her brother’s death…incorporating the details of the legal process and trial, along with personal details of her brother and his love of life, linked to the personal impact of his death on herself, her parents and family. ”
Questions you might have
It might be better to use actors if the point was to get a polished role play. However, that’s not the point!
How would it feel having to sit in the witness box or in the dock?
How would it feel to watch colleagues – friends! – having to give evidence?
Could you put yourselves in the shoes of the family who have lost their loved one as a result of your employer’s action or inaction?
The aim behind having you do it in a controlled environment is to ensure you don’t have to ever do it in real-life.
This is a workshop that works best in-person. Should you wish on-screen delivery, Louise can deliver Michael’s Story as a standalone session.
Absolutely! Louise has spent a lot of time in airports, train stations and hire car booths while travelling around the UK and Ireland, also extensively in Europe and even to Australia.
Of course. Louise has previously operated Framework Agreements with other organisations, which have included, for example, a certain number of sessions of Michael’s Story, Mock Trial Workshops, Safety Walkrounds, and involvement in an Electrical Safety Working Group.
If you feel that the Mock Trial Workshop could support your organisation’s safety journey, please get in touch.
Mock Trial Investment
- Minimum of 15 attendees
- Maximum of 24 attendees
+ VAT (where applicable)
do you need a new way to engage your senior team ?
This is a unique workshop offering.
To discuss whether it’s right for your organisation, get in touch.